Sunday 10 November 2013

Tattoo Supply Guide

Starting your own tattoo shop entails great knowledge when it comes to tattoo supply. Whether you’re a budding tattoo artist or a professional who wants to enhance his or her skills, having the right tattoo supply can make a huge difference to your work.
Now, before you proceed to buying all the most expensive brands out there, here is a guide or a refresher on what every tattoo artist needs in his workshop. Here are the basics when it comes to tattoo supply:
The Machine
Obviously, all artists need a good tattoo gun and sterile tattoo needles. This is definitely the most essential of all tattoo supplies that you should be spending your money on.
Needles should be the tattoo supply that is the cleanest of the bunch. Also, if you want to get as much tattoo supply as you can, you can purchase different needles for different tattoo necessities and styles such as shading and lining.
The Ink
Aside from the machine itself, your tattoo ink should be of top notch quality to ensure the beauty and color of your tattoos. After all, among all tattoo supplies, the ink is the most important component as it is the material that permanently stays.
There are many shops that sell tattoo supply and you can definitely find many colors with the best brands. You should invest a lot of money on ink when purchasing tattoo supply.
Stencil and Flash Art
These tools are necessary for creating the design before actually applying it. These instruments help a lot in conceptualizing new designs and you can also use the designs found here as your portfolio for clients to look at.
The Power Supply
Tattoo machines are not battery-powered and need external power sources but getting the supply attached to the machine won’t really be much of a chore. The power supply is often connected to a foot pedal like the ones you usually see on sewing machines.

For more details, go here

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